Monday, March 31, 2014

No better day to start a blog!!

It's raining, no it's snowing, no it is freezing raining!!!! What a day! Our city has taken a beating this winter, but out of all the storms, I would say today we are having the worst one. Our beautiful tree in the front yard has 6 huge branches missing. Where are they? On the ground, covered in ice. Sad! I am just sitting here in the quiet with a cup of delicious chocolate tea waiting for the power to go out! Praying it won't! So, I decided to start a blog! About what you might ask? Anything really. Whatever is on my mind! That can be a lot of things! This is be mainly focused on family and our daily adventures. We are never home. Always on the go. This will surely be entertaining to some right? Perhaps! So come along on our journey through life! Will introduce my family in my next blog! For now, I will leave you with a few photos from the storm today!

Until next time,

Lindsay :)